Check out our new look.
Different logo, the same company.
We are still your Poland-based European-class filtration supplier.
Different logo, the same company.
We are still your Poland-based European-class filtration supplier.
Our patent application has been officially approved and published.
The patent application was filed in 2015 after several months of hard work, and after conducting many researches and experiments, which finally confirmed the innovation and effectiveness of the filter bag seam sealing method.
The beginning of the 90’s was a time of great political and economic changes in Poland.
For some, it was a great moment to grasp the dynamics of capitalism, for others, looking at the bigger picture – like Stefan Dobak, Dr. Eng., President of the Management Board of Remark-Kayser – to build the foundations of a new future.
Until July 2018, the classification of air filtration was based on the well-known DIN EN 779:2012 standard.
However, after many years, it has lived to see its replacement and has been superseded by a new, more precise one – DIN EN ISO 16890. This norm marked a new stage of development and changed the standard classification of filters according to classes G, M and F by implementing ePM classes.